Windhorse Integrative Mental Health
A community-integrated residential treatment facility in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Since 1993 Windhorse has provided compassionate care to people experiencing life disrupting mental states including depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, and schizophrenia. Our skilled team and community-based approach helps adults seeking integrated individualized care to restore personal dignity, and discover genuine workable connections with life, people and the larger community.
Multiple locations available. See Windhorse's website for more information.

211 North Street, Suite 1
Northampton, MA 01060
Program type: Apartment-based
Location: Northampton, MA
Environment: Shared living in apartments with a therapeutic housemate
Number of residents: 1 client and 1 therapeutic housemate per household
Gender: All
Ages: 18+
Conditions treated include:
Schizophrenia and other psychotic experiences
Affective disorders (Depression and Bi-polar)
Personality Disorders
Dual Diagnosis
Developmental Trauma
Services include:
Home based recovery with a clinical support team including individual therapy
Client centered team approach
Still Point residence: to ease transition into the program
Community groups and events
Dialogically oriented family support
A Different Approach to Care
We see recovery as an intersection between relationships and our environment. Building a meaningful life is central to the work of recovery. Our teams represent consistent therapeutic friendships and support built over time. Equally emphasized is learning how to create an environment that allows you to thrive and slowly integrate into a larger community.
Our Teams: Supporting Safety and Sanity
The Windhorse Approach to wellness focuses on the development of a safe, sane environment supported by a collaborative mental health treatment team. In its fullest expression, this team includes:
The client or person at the center of concern
A therapeutic housemate
A principal psychotherapist
A wellness nurse
A team leader who coordinates care
One or two counselors or peer counselors
Basic attendance is the core discipline—and heart-essence—of Windhorse work; three hour, 1-on-1 shifts with client and a team member, who together focus on the present moment with compassion and skill. This approach has been successful in reducing hospitalization and as an alternative to group care. Structured support in daily living is designed to provide greater independence and significant recovery.
Contradicting Isolation
At Windhorse, we believe that every person with psychiatric disorders possess a fundamental goodness and dignity, and that these traits can and must be nurtured. We focus intently on helping people with extreme mind states to build genuine relationships that create a path out of isolation and into community.
Our support flexes to meet the needs of the individual. Thus, program costs can vary widely. For the first six to nine months, most teams have a full complement of staff members. Windhorse is a private-pay, non-profit organization. Insurance may cover the cost of medications and meetings with our prescribing psychiatrist, but it will not cover our clinical programs.